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Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
NOW accepting CREP applications. Contact 507-694-1630 for more information.
What is MN CREP?
MN CREP is a voluntary, federal-state funded natural resource conservation program that uses a science-based approach to target environmentally sensitive land. Enrollment for MN CREP began in Spring 2017 and will continue until funds are exhausted or the 60,000 acre goal is reached.
How does the program work?
Landowners will enter into a 14-15 year Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contract administered by the USDA-Farm Service Agency (FSA), and a Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) Reserve perpetual conservation easement administered by the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR).
MN CREP Practices
Four CRP practices have been approved to install filter strips, restore floodplain wetlands and restore depressional wetlands for water quality and habitat. Sensitive wellhead protection areas will also be protected. See below for more detailed information on the four conservation practices.
Grass Filter Strips (CP21)
30' to 350' width
NRCS standard 393 criteria for water quality, wildlife, flooding, farmability
Acreage goal: 30,000 acres
Wellhead Protection Areas (CP2)​
Wellhead protection areas mapped by the Minnesota Department of Health as high or very high vulnerability
Acreage goal: 3,000 acres
Wetland Restoration-100 year Floodplain (CP23)
3:1 upland to wetland ratio
Acreage goal: 9,000 acres
Wetland Restoration-non 100 year Floodplain (CP23a)​
4:1 upland to wetland ratio
Acreage goal: 18,000 acres
MN CREP for Landowners
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