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Programs and Services

Conservation Planning and Construction: The SWCD along with its partner agency, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, provides technical assistance with landowners to:

  • Conduct a site investigation with the owner/operator

  • Work with the owner/operator to determine the best management practice for the given situation

  • Survey and design the project

  • Produce a rough cost-estimate

  • Provide them with a design for submission of bids

  • Perform a pre-construction conference with the contractor and owner/operator, and

  • Supervise construction and certify completion of the project


Erosion Control and Water Management Program (State Cost-Share): Provides landowners/occupiers with financial assistance to offset the cost of installing conservation practices that protect and improve water quality by controlling soil erosion and reducing sedimentation. The SWCD provides up to 90% cost-share on conservation practices such as Water and Sediment Control Basins (WASCOB's). All practices must be approved for cost-share prior to construction. Landowners are reimbursed upon completion of the project.

Ag Best Management Practices (BMP) Loan Program: The Lincoln SWCD handles the Ag BMP low interest Load Program for the County. For more information contact Dale Sterzinger.

Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Program: The Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act is administered locally by the Lincoln SWCD. For more information contact Dale Sterzinger.

Walk-In Access (WIA) Program: Is an opportunity for landowners in Lincoln County to earn extra income by opening their land up for public hunting. For more information on the Walk-In Access lands in Lincoln County contact our office.

Tree Program: The Lincoln SWCD provides a tree program to landowners/operators in Lincoln County. The nursery stock is top quality and is offered at minimal cost. The SWCD can assist in the planning and design of a field windbreak, farmstead shelter-belt, wildlife planting or a living snow fence. For more information on the tree program or cost-share assistance contact Dale Sterzinger.

Drill Program: Available is a Great Plains drill, tractor and operator in which the SWCD transports to and from the location. With this service, the seed must be purchased through the SWCD. For more information on the drill program or to rent a drill to seed your CRP, contact our office.

Seed Program: The district sells seed for use in CRP plantings, wildlife plantings, waterways, etc. For more information on the seed program contact our office.

Other Cost-Share/Incentive Programs: The SWCD works with other agencies to provide cost-share and incentive programs to owners/operators. The agencies are: SWCD including: Lac Qui Parle, Lyon, Pipestone, Redwood and Yellow Medicine and the Lac Qui Parle Bank River Watershed District, Yellow Medicine River Watershed District and the Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area. Depending on the grants available, funding varies from year to year.

Water Permits: The district processes and reviews the Department of Natural Resources water permits.

Observation Wells: The SWCD contracts with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to measure the water levels in the wells located in the county. The SWCD measures four wells in the county.

Reporting: The district reports progress on all grants received through the Board of Water and Soil Resources. The reporting consists of owner/operator, contract number, date project was installed, project implemented, reduction of pollutants of sediment and phosphorus, cost-share or incentive received, landowner share, etc.

Federal Cost-Share Programs: A variety of federal cost-share programs are available to help landowners/operators pay for installing best management conservation practices. SWCD and NRCS technicians work with landowners/operators to access appropriate funding. Contact the office at 507-694-1630 ext. 3 for more information on the available programs. 

Lincoln SWCD

200 South Co. Hwy 5, Suite 2

Ivanhoe, MN 56142

(507) 694-1630 Ext. 3

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